Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Link roundup

1. "The West Hollywood club’s backers include Gwyneth Paltrow, the actress, who is a member of the London Club. To become a member one must be nominated by an existing member and participate in or have an interest in art, literature or science."

2. "The new (and much improved) ‘Bluebook’ caught in the copyright cross-hairs"
Students at NYU Law School have prepared a new, streamlined, open-access citation system and gotten it ready for publication; but...the Harvard Law Review Association has hired counsel and is threatening to sue
3. "How A Serial Catfish Tricked Famous Men And Almost Got Away With It"
Allegedly, Sean Combs cheated on his longtime girlfriend with a singer named Seriya. But Seriya doesn’t exist, and is one of several fake characters from a master catfisher.