Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Los Angeles's Mayor responds to reports that a huge percentage of the police force plans to pursue religious exemptions to Covid vaccines


More than 2,600 LAPD employees have indicated that they plan to pursue religious exemptions


“This policy allows for medical and religious exemptions to protect certain workers’ health and constitutional rights, but let me be absolutely clear: We will not tolerate the abuse of these exemptions by those who simply don’t want to get vaccinated,” Garcetti said. “To anyone thinking about filing a disingenuous exemption request, I strongly urge that you reconsider. Every request will be carefully vetted.”

Meanwhile, August 3:

A 10th employee of the Los Angeles Police Department has died from complications of COVID-19 amid rising coronavirus cases across the region and within the department.

September 6:

Her husband is one of 132 members of law enforcement agencies who are known to have died of COVID-19 in 2021, as of Monday, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page. In Florida alone last month, six people affiliated with law enforcement died over a 10-day period.

In the first half of 2021, 71 law enforcement officials in the U.S. died from the virus — a small decrease compared to the 76 who died in the same time period in 2020, per data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Last year, the total figure was 241 — making the virus the the leading cause of law enforcement line-of-duty deaths.

September 14:

There was a spate of virus-related deaths among police officers last week as law enforcement unions in some corners of the state fight to head off vaccine mandates, State Police Superintendent Pat Callahan said at Monday’s virus briefing.

Twenty-three police officers at varying levels of government [nationwide] died last week, Callahan said., and 22 of the deaths appear related to COVID-19.