Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Hong Kong's "Barrack O'Karma 2" tv series features a Chinese actress who darkens her skin to play a Filipina domestic worker


[Her] performance received praise from local media, including outlets such as HK01, which posted an article headlined “[The actress] deliberately blackened herself to turn into [a] maid, but in reality she’s a true beauty”.

In another article by the Hong Kong Economic Times, [she] was lauded as a gifted graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2019, and commended for “practising the Filipino accent” in preparation for the role.


despite its name, [the series] is a suspense thriller series and not about US politics.


There are about 340,000 foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong, mostly women from the Philippines and Indonesia.

Paid a minimum of HK$4,630 ($590) a month, they work six days a week and must live with their employers