Tuesday, December 26, 2023

"A monsignor on a motorcycle, a rabbi who escaped the Holocaust, and priests who pack heat: Meet the chaplains of the LAPD"


The corps enlists 47 chaplains – most of whom are volunteers – representing Buddhist, Catholic, Interfaith, Jewish, Muslim, Protestant and Taoist faiths.


“Since 2020, we’ve grown to more than 600 chaplains in 32 states,” said Mendy Coën, director general of the United States Chaplain Corps, an organization that trains clergy to serve in police, firefighting, health care and aviation settings.

“There is a burning need for chaplains in police departments across all 50 states,” Coën said. “There’s often a stigma if officers seek help for mental health needs. So chaplains, while they’re no replacement for clinicians, they’re often the first line of defense, a compassionate ear, a confidential source, before the doctors or the E.R.”