Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Chinatown" adaptation of famous logos

Chinatown is a Chinese translation of the trademarks in a graphical way.
It’s a carefully arranged series of artworks showcasing 20 well-known western brand logos
with maintained visual and narrative continuity.
It uses basic words for translation, such as “Caramel Macchiato” for “Starbucks” in order to maintain the visual continuity. By arranging the words this way, ‘Chinatown’ pushes viewers to ask themselves
what it means to see, hear, and become fully aware. ‘Chinatown’ also demonstrates our strangeness
to 1.35 billion people in the world, when you can’t read Chinese.
Conception: Mehmet Gözetlik
Producer: Handan Akbudak
Neon Sign Maker: Asım Doğan