Via William Gibson.
achievement system Nissan worked into the Leaf's software, which ranks your energy efficiency against other owners.
In addition to comparing the amount of miles you can travel for every kilowatt hour consumed, it will also give you platinum, gold, silver or bronze distinctions for maintaining a certain standard on the road.
The first thing I notice when I’m playing the second time is that interactions aren’t decisions — they’re social monsters that need to be killed to pass quests. When they die, you get experience toward paragon or renegade levels, which allow access to higher level conversations, which are basically social dungeons. The second thing I notice is, once you know, for certain, that someone won’t add any interesting new information to their initial, perfectly clear summary statement of their role in the story and your expectations regarding them, the game gets alot shorter. Except for when these people are expositing about some shoehorned summary that seems completely out of context, unless you pumped them for redundant information, earlier.
As a boy, Stieg lived in his grandparents' cottage in the woods. At the time, an old Swedish law was still in effect that barred children from attending school until they were seven. Written a century earlier, the law was intended to protect little boys and girls from being devoured by wolves while walking through the forest on the way to school.Also, there was a serial killer in Sweden known as The Laser Man.
To celebrate the rescue of the 33 Chilean Miners during the autumn of 2010, Unreal have created a limited edition of 33 bottles of Chilean Wine. Each bottle is named after one of the rescued miners and numbered in order of their resurfacing. Each bottle comes in a tube representing the FĂ©nix 2 rescue capsule, and is buried beneath a layer of rocks. As recipients dig out their wine, they reveal a replica of the message sent up to rescuers which exclaimed "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33", meaning "We are okay in the refuge, the 33 of us".
Liven up your Christmas by remixing the boardgames in your house to make brand new games. The Boardgame Remix Kit works with all the great family favourites. It's got twenty five games that you can play using the boards and pieces you've already got. As well as smoothing out or speeding up a standard game, the kit can turn Monopoly* into a family poker tournament, Trivial Pursuit* into a surrealist parlour game; Scrabble* into fight between a wasp and a robot, and Cluedo* into a zombie invasion.