Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Singing Bass:
Either by button press or by sensing motion, Ackbar springs to life - first dancing to the Cantina Song and then uttering his immortal catch phrase, "IT'S A TRAP!"

Minecraft Marshmallow Creeps

Star Trek Inflatable Captain's Chair:
Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young and you have your whole youth ahead of you. Take your seat in your Inflatable Captain's Chair, assemble your bridge crew, and start exploring. Invented at ThinkGeek, this chair is suitable for wee geeks aged 3 to small adult, or up to about 120 pounds. The arms are printed with all sorts of buttons and and lights to encourage imagination play, including setting Red or Yellow Alerts or jettisoning the pod.

Technomancer Digital Wizard Hoodie:
You have the Will to be a spellcaster in real life, and ThinkGeek is here like a wizened oracle to deliver you the way. Introducing the Technomancer Digital Wizard Hoodie. Donning this unique garment will transform you into a powerful mage ready to blast off spells at a moment's notice. The sleeves of the Technomancer contain dual accelerometers which sense the movements of your hands. Move them in one of the pre-programmed spell sequences and the sleeves of the hoodie light from within, the internal speaker booms, and the hood illuminates your face in an eerie glow.
Of course, a seasoned wizard has a variety of spells in their repertoire. The Technomancer Hoodie offers ten different spells including fireball, healing, and lightning bolt (lightning bolt, lightning bolt!). Each spell is accompanied by unique light and sound effects powered by the embedded speaker and over two dozen bright multicolored LEDs. Of course, you'll have to train daily to learn the right sequence of movements to cast each spell.

Game of Thrones Fire and Blood Perfume:
This alluring fragrance will make any woman feel like a Khaleesi.

Skryim Hoodie:
we've gone the extra step of enchanting this hoodie with our patented electronic apparel technology. That's right, in addition to looking like the Dragonborn you can shout like a Dovahkiin too! The attached speaker connects via a fabric channel to a powerful mini-amp. All 20 Dragon Shouts available to the Dragonborn are there at the touch of a button and without the need for any dragon souls.