Tuesday, October 3, 2017

"Preet Bharara Is Now in the Trump-Opposition Business"

Even some friends were surprised when, after his firing, Bharara chose to forgo the traditional career paths for a successful former U.S. Attorney — a run for public office or a lucrative payday in private practice — in favor of a more unorthodox course. Earlier this year, Bharara joined Some Spider Studios, a digital start-up run by his brother, Vinit, a wealthy technology entrepreneur most famous for co-founding the Amazon competitor turned Amazon takeover target diapers.com, who is now intent on figuring out how to capitalize on the vehement opposition to Trump. “I want to build around his brand,” Vinit said, “and his ability to get these young people activated.” The plan for Some Spider calls for creating videos, a ted-like conference business, and custom content for advertisers. Vinit says he aims to build the “next-gen Viacom.”

The Bharara brothers, like most everyone else in media, have witnessed the astonishing appetite for news and invective about Trump