This is, and I cannot stress this enough, a dentist’s office— Jill Twiss (@jilltwiss) April 22, 2019
Bucks assistant coach Taylor Jenkins keeping the rowdy bucks bench from getting into a brawl😂— Bible Of Bucks (@BibleOfBucks) April 21, 2019
Read this trivia bit about a Babylon 5 episode. Assumed it was a blink-and-you-miss-it, corner-of-the-frame kinda thing. Not quite. lol.— Pablo Hidalgo (@pablohidalgo) April 21, 2019
Iine-kun the rice fairy walks towards a very strong fan.— Mondo Mascots (@mondomascots) April 17, 2019
Only in Texas *WATCH TIL THE END*— Beez (@BryceThereal) April 19, 2019
— S.: (@psychcomm) April 21, 2019
"this doesn't concern you, mate"— Paul Bronks (@SlenderSherbet) April 21, 2019
valiant effort from Chris Evans here— Kate Halliwell (@katehalliwell) April 23, 2019
cop: u know why I pulled you over?— dustin Couch (@Dustinkcouch) April 23, 2019
me: im from the future
c: u were speeding
me: if u let me go I'll answer a question about the future
c: how do I die
me: dude im only from like 4 minutes into the future
c: oh
me: u die in a plane crash tho
c: what
*a plane approaches*
Internet never disappoints— Nacho López 🥘 (@mrmans0n) April 21, 2019
*More funny posts.