I initially assumed Sony’s HB-F1 Hitbit mascot was a full on mecha… (via https://t.co/JkRAWYQvfB) pic.twitter.com/s99K6F3ttp— Attract Mode (@AttractMode) January 29, 2020
— Robert Carey Comics (@RobCareyArtist) January 30, 2020
✨🏆 Grammy League Elite Four 🏆✨ pic.twitter.com/wFh2IFo0Jl— Ray 💜 Comifuro B16-17 (@refrainbow) January 29, 2020
why these gravitational waves look like they bout to drop the most fire Joseph Joseph kitchen utensils nest of 2016 pic.twitter.com/tH5ydKZjyL— Dan Douglas (@dandouglas) February 11, 2016
It’s the sparkles that sells it in my book (via https://t.co/AZ9zgpeWPh) pic.twitter.com/l9mTlu2v8F— Attract Mode (@AttractMode) January 30, 2020
*Buy the Ragnarok Steelbook at Amazon.