The greek chorus is a literary device where a bunch of guys say “owned” whenever the main character gets owned
— ''Steve'' (@extranapkins) September 9, 2019
"Additionally, as of March 31, 2021, our Robinhood Snacks newsletter and podcast had nearly 32 million subscribers," says the S-1, I am doing this all wrong.
— Matt Levine (@matt_levine) July 2, 2021
Always happy for an excuse to post this
— Andrew Gray (@generalising) July 2, 2021
Magic said he in the video no matter what LL
— stas (@AstasiaWill) July 2, 2021
This is the best scene ever aired on television
— Jenny Nicholson (@JennyENicholson) July 2, 2021
Because you want to see the happiest dog in the world.
— Danny Deraney (@DannyDeraney) June 28, 2021
😂 I’ve watched this way too many times
— Sanade ♥ 🇯🇲 (@SanadeSweet) July 1, 2021
Good news: I have gathered a bunch of photos of naval ship cats in tiny hammocks. Here are sailors of the HMS Hermione in 1941 surrounding their sleeping cat, Convoy.
— Molly Hodgdon (@Manglewood) July 2, 2021
*More funny posts.