Your parking prices are out of control! It should not cost over 50 dollars to park!
— Brenda (@QBAustin222) July 7, 2021
I'm so excited for Sunday's Final, especially since I just tried on my new kit! Do you like it? 🥰🌈 #EURO2020 #PRIDE #ENGITA
— Tiny Football Car (@TinyFootballCar) July 9, 2021
It seems some unsuspecting people managed to get hold of ANOM devices while the undercover operation was still ongoing. One person complained about the strange phone in March
— Joseph Cox (@josephfcox) July 8, 2021
They really look alike
— Paul F. Tompkins (@PFTompkins) July 7, 2021
An eternal favourite of mine.
— Critical Race Theory stan account (@UpsilonMale) July 7, 2021
The Norwegian course also has "Bjornen spiser han", which means "the bear is eating him". I'm not sure how much you'd benefit from knowing the present continuous tense, there.
— El infame Sergacabra (@TheeFantomas) July 7, 2021
Woohoo there ya go Good Job! #tinyfootballcar go #eng
— Jon Gauthier (@JonGauthier) July 7, 2021
Such a good boy 🚙 #EURO2020
— Vithushan Ehantharajah (@Vitu_E) July 7, 2021
@hortonmcsnorton Perfectly chilled potato 🥔 #cominginhot #FordMaverick #petsoftiktok #frenchies
♬ Coming In Hot - Andy Mineo & Lecrae
*More funny posts.