Speaking of sex appeal & attractiveness, reminder that in 2002 Donald Rumsfeld was put on People's "Sexiest Men Alive" list & described by CNN as " A big sexy pussycat", which shows that what you are matters way less in marketing than what you can get the media to claim you are
— Shiv Ramdas (@nameshiv) June 30, 2021
Donald Rumsfeld is survived by the love of his life, the Iraq War
— Orli Matlow (@HireMeImFunny) June 30, 2021
"Grilling is bad" is such an amazing trollbait opinion I'm literally nauseous with jealousy. I've spent my career on bad ideas, and now I'm Salieri hearing Requiem for first time, just weeping.
— Katie Notopoulos (@katienotopoulos) July 1, 2021
That is absolutely sensational television. My god. What a way to announce the expiration of Messi's contract pic.twitter.com/fmayfR2umJ
— Carl Anka (@Ankaman616) June 30, 2021
obsessed with this security guy at Madonna’s #Pride performance this weekend. Godspeed, sir pic.twitter.com/eNH3xBYPMN
— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) June 27, 2021
Pitch: MAINE CHARACTER, about a guy who gets main-charactered on Twitter, moves to rural Maine to escape his bad tweet, gets a job at a small tavern, and falls in love with a sweet woman who works at the bakery. But! Is she secretly an NYC journalist planning to write about him?
— David Burr Gerrard (@DBGerrard) June 28, 2021
doctor: I’ve written you a prescription here. Follow that and let’s check in next week. It should help with your symptoms but if it doesn’t we’ll know more.
— warrior cop (@wyatt_privilege) October 7, 2019
chiropractor sprinting to double kick you in the neck: say goodbye to IBS
Never as good as Silvercorp USA, which had a video where they tactically dodge a puddle when running and selectively edited it to look more dramatichttps://t.co/jiWugMLWjS
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) June 23, 2021
So this is my front porch right now. 😳😳😳 #Friday #bobcats #arizona pic.twitter.com/lQZH6yYjGx
— Kate Smith (@KateSmithAZ) June 26, 2021
— out of context cats (@contextkittens) June 28, 2021
*More funny posts.