I click the link to Wired. The article is clearly GPT-assisted, I don't trust it. I click back to the HN comment section.
— Dan Schwarz (@dschwarz26) April 29, 2023
The top comment says Starlink is down, satellites are crashing, but they'll all burn up safely.
The second comment says people on the ground are in danger.
My phone buzzes. It's my Dad, and I answer. He starts talking, but I cut him off.
— Dan Schwarz (@dschwarz26) April 29, 2023
Me: What's the code?
Dad: Let's see -- the one from last week? "Orchard"
Me: Ok continue.
Dad: Dan, stay home. I'm seeing crazy things in the news about Teslas going haywire on the highway.
Much more in the thread.