Writing and art. Maybe my favorite page of my Batman run. Look at the story @MitchGerads told with basically “three people and a dog in a library.” The light, the flowers, Ace’s face, the portraits, Alfred’s casualness, Swamp’s eagerness, Bruce relaxed but tight—it’s perfect. pic.twitter.com/T5Tz4V1v8Q
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) June 11, 2021
— ヤマ (@happy_nanoblock) June 11, 2021
4.5cm#フラッテリーママ#goonies #TheGoonies #グーニーズ#nanoblock #ナノブロック #まめナノ pic.twitter.com/V63kAf7knb
Ford with mo-cap dots on his face. https://t.co/A7jbctlolu
— timpelan (@johnneyred) June 11, 2021
#birdbot pic.twitter.com/AUIqEqGeD0
— bird/h (@BirdPerHour) June 11, 2021