— sattou (@sattou0) June 15, 2021
Ordered the "One More Thing" controller everyone is talking about. pic.twitter.com/bmLdUNh9RX
— Joe Juba (@Joejuba) June 17, 2021
The FIFA games have an amazing premise - You are a ghost that can possess football players.
— Samuel Pinney (@GinBroguesHats) June 17, 2021
And then they do the most boring thing with it possible, only let you play football.
This Guardians of the Galaxy game (and Squeenix’s Avengers on the whole) have the vibe of that one scene from Spaceballs.
— Alex Rochon (@AlexRochonVA) June 13, 2021
“You’ve captured their stunt doubles!” pic.twitter.com/tYZq9iNpp0
https://t.co/I7xCnJmbfu pic.twitter.com/W0M5nWTSpc
— Salt (@Sin_Salt) June 13, 2021