How is no one on here talking about this Dad who built Star Tours in their garage for their daughters bday?!?!
— Matthew Serrano (@matthewgserrano) June 23, 2021
I wrote a mini “essay” on the illustration I did for the cover of @readrazorblades! It wasn’t easy to decide what to draw, but I’ve always been inspired by poetry and literature, and this was a perfect time to indulge that particular muse. Razorblades #4 is out now!!🌱💀🥀
— Becky Cloonan 🔮 (@beckycloonan) June 26, 2021
👕 This Peanuts strip was first published on December 8, 1952.
— Charles M. Schulz Museum (@SchulzMuseum) June 25, 2021
Flipping through the bloated "Misc. Artists" folder on my computer as I'm remembering how to draw a comic that isn't three wide panels per page. Came across one of my favorite spreads ever. Kubert/Carlsson -
— Doc Shaner (@DocShaner) June 26, 2021
Annihilation (2018)
— Weyoun Appreciator (@DumbCerb) June 26, 2021