Tuesday, November 22, 2022

"L.A. prosecutor put on leave over questionable case sparked by election conspiracy theories"

LAT on the latest update to a bizarre story from last month:
A Los Angeles County deputy district attorney has been placed on administrative leave for his role in the questionable prosecution of a Michigan software executive that may have been sparked by conspiracy theorists who deny the validity of the 2020 presidential election.


The district attorney’s Public Integrity Division, which filed the case against [the executive], this week was brought under the control of [Los Angeles District Attorney] Gascón’s chief of staff


Gascón announced [the] arrest Oct. 4, claiming that the 51-year-old chief executive had endangered the personal information — including Social Security numbers — of an unknown number of L.A. County poll workers by storing it on an overseas server.


But by November, prosecutors had dropped all charges ...

During his initial news conference, Gascón did not mention that his office’s investigation was sparked by a conversation with one of the founders of True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit that has fomented conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election.

Former President Trump praised Gascón and called on him to dig further