Me as a kid: why did some of the other Hobbits not love Bilbo— Dubious (@DubiousCA) September 14, 2020
Me as an adult: oh he’s that dude who went on exactly one trip once and spent the entire rest of their life dropping anecdotes about it. We get it, Janet, you went to Italy and it was life-changing.
I dont think I realized how weird this whole experience would’ve been for Frodo— Dubious (@DubiousCA) September 14, 2020
his uncle fucks off & leaves him a house & his uncle’s ‘old friend’ is like ‘he left a gold ring behind. DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS. i’ll be back for it’
I’d be like ‘oh shit were they married’
Why didn’t you punch him in the face and yeet the ring, or something, why did you just let Isildur walk away like that— Dubious (@DubiousCA) September 14, 2020
were THEY exes TOO?
Me the first time I watched this movie: okay if you’re being invaded by enemies and about to die, why are you recording all of this down in a book instead of running or fighting or something?— Dubious (@DubiousCA) September 14, 2020
Me, now: livetweeting the apocalypse, gotcha
I'm obsessed with getting these to wear for my work team streams.— Mike Mika (@MikeJMika) September 11, 2020
Inside you are two babies— death cab for cthulhu (@fanie_nani) September 12, 2020
writing a new thriller about a popular children's author who turns out to be a serial killer— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) September 14, 2020
— Justin Russo (@FlyByKnite) September 11, 2020
A Soviet kettle made in 1960s. The rockets start spinning when the kettle boils.— Katya Pavlushchenko (@katlinegrey) September 11, 2020
Friday fun fact: In 1974, Ramesses II was sent on a flight to Paris for preservation and maintenance work. But since French law required every person, living or dead to fly with a valid passport, Egypt was forced to issue a passport to the Pharaoh, 3,000 years after his death.— Victor Fernando R. Ocampo (@VictorOcampo) September 11, 2020
I’ve walked past this takeaway near me so many times yet I’ve never noticed this really unfortunate typo— Tom Hourigan (@TomHourigan) September 9, 2020
Does the word "Glacial" now mean, quite fast?— DasGift (@DasGiftBerlin) September 12, 2020
This machine can find Waldo— XAVIER KATANA (@xavierkatana) September 11, 2020
Mentally, I'm here.— Isaac Fitzgerald🤞🏻🖤 (@IsaacFitzgerald) September 13, 2020
I bet his name is Spot— Living Morganism 🌱 (@ok_girlfriend) September 12, 2020
*More funny posts.