Google have gone completely bananas. This is the box in which they're sending out the Pixel 4a.— John Walker Wishes It Weren't (@botherer) September 27, 2020
Poor delivery driver has a van full of them.
— John Walker Wishes It Weren't (@botherer) September 27, 2020
Another lost fumble for Daniel Jones, the player with the highest fumble rate in the history of pro football.— nick wright (@getnickwright) September 27, 2020
That’s now 15 of 16 career games with a turnover, 11 of 16 career games with at least 2 turnovers.
— B/R Gridiron (@brgridiron) September 27, 2020
— Anthony Oliveira (@meakoopa) September 22, 2020
"Crowd Of Giant Crabs Decides To Crash Family's Picnic"— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) September 26, 2020
Parents in paper towel commercials, your children are monsters. Forget about absorbency and focus on getting your shit together.— Sean Thomason (@TheThomason) December 9, 2011
Things became nicer once I stopped calling them "goals" and started calling them "quests".— Jesslyn 🇮🇩 (@jtannady) September 24, 2020
As in "here are my quests for Q4 2020".
Dedicated note taker in meetings?— Jesslyn 🇮🇩 (@jtannady) September 24, 2020
You mean my scribe?
too many people talking about the Snapchat anime filter— Michal (@Miexriir) September 24, 2020
not enough people talking about the Instagram filter that makes it look like you’re in bed with shrek
— LiaLeigh - Esthetician (@RealLiaLeigh) September 23, 2020
home security drone starter pack— matthew braga (@mattbraga) September 24, 2020
The reveal of the evil genies one weakness is the best scene in Wishmaster.— Minovsky (@MinovskyArticle) May 12, 2017
We are witnessing the Jesus of the Moose world— 🇧🇧 (@rahm3sh) September 23, 2020
The Antifa Llama has arrived. A five year old girl immediately hugs it.— Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) (@IwriteOK) September 26, 2020
*More funny posts.