— nice swing, bitch (@RichHillRakes) September 2, 2020
— Nick Feely (@nickfeely) September 1, 2020
MLB’s streaming app relies on Google speech-to-text for its closed captions and honestly they’ve been the most entertaining part of baseball this year. pic.twitter.com/PQgpUtMLJY— Eugene Wei (@eugenewei) September 8, 2020
— MLB Closed Captioning (@mlb_cc) September 8, 2020
@mlb_cc This fine chateau left field for pic.twitter.com/FBkxshNBot— Joe Veyera (@JoeVeyera) September 8, 2020
“It’s left to Andres Gimenez” MLB closed captioning translates to “who’s left to undress who men is” 😂😂😂 @mlb_cc pic.twitter.com/l6uBVyjWo4— Shana Elliot at 🏠 (@shanaelliot) September 7, 2020
Have you been wondering about MLB's closed captioning mistakes? And why they're automatically turned on in the first place? @NoahAFrank talked to @mlb_cc and MLB to figure it all out:https://t.co/DzYI0YXTrT pic.twitter.com/oCMBOSN5oC— Cronk is good. (@cdgoldstein) September 8, 2020
— Mr. Yakyu (@yakyu_mr) September 7, 2020