Laws prosecuting people for 'knowingly transmitting disease' were almost always used to go after the poor and sex workers historically, unsurprisingly.— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) October 3, 2020
Notably, for instance, the Contagious Diseases Act of 1864 was repeatedly used to harass women out by themselves, who had to undergo humiliating police examinations on suspicion of being prostitutes - and could be locked up as a result.— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) October 3, 2020
(Wikipedia entry.)
The most hilarious presidential death in US history is currently William Henry Harrison dying of pneumonia one month after his inauguration bc he didn’t want to put on a jacket during his first speech - a high bar to clear. Good luck to future contenders!— Will Isenberg (@Wiloceraptor) October 3, 2020
Joe Biden said he told some governors not to publicly endorse him because he worried their states would not get support/resources from the federal government needed to fight the COVID outbreak— Tyler Pager (@tylerpager) October 3, 2020
Did you know: the concept of a "zombie" came from Haitian folklore, rooted in a fear that enslaved people had that not even death would be able to free them from their toil and that they'd be forced to continue their servitude forever.— Have You Seen The Ghost Of Sean (@StorySlug) October 2, 2020
Dunno why I thought of that just now.
To all the reporters gathering at Walter Reed to report on this historic moment, remember this. Just down the street is the best shoe and leather repair shop in the country, if not the world. Fortuna's Shoe Repair, since 1942, our work is craftsmanship.— W. Harry Fortuna (@fortunatefolly) October 2, 2020
Every age has its favored metaphor for the sense that an unseen hand shapes our world: Great Architect of the Universe. Divine Watchmaker.— Yoni Appelbaum (@YAppelbaum) October 2, 2020
It is somewhat depressing to realize, as a colleague observed, that our own era has settled upon, “The Scriptwriters."
Whole TL is like:— fooler initiative (@metroadlib) October 3, 2020
The Hound.
Raff the Sweetling.
The Tickler.
The Mountain.
Ilyn Payne.
Meryn Trant.
Trump getting COVID was Greek drama, but a ceremony honoring an illegitimate SCOTUS pick turning into a superspreader event is Old Testament shit— Sam Adams (@SamuelAAdams) October 3, 2020
I come from a culture where we eat cookies shaped like a bad guy's stupid hat to celebrate the time he was unsuccessful in his attempt to do a genocide and instead got himself killed and we make fun of him annually and have been doing this for thousands of years— LB Hunktears (@hunktears) October 2, 2020
There’s always at least three stories:— GoingWellIThinkHat (@Popehat) October 3, 2020
1. The bad shit going down (here, Trump’s health)
2. The lying about the bad shit, displaying dishonesty
3. The incompetence with which the lying is executed, showing unsuitability to lead
It’s impressive that the press conference doctors managed to simultaneously be extremely evasive and lawyerly AND release like three different details that will set this whole story on fire. Tough balancing act, even for true PR pros— Tom Gara (@tomgara) October 3, 2020
THIS DOCTOR: Not 🥰right🤠now🙌!
Like a community theater adaptation of Death of Stalin.— Mat Johnson (@mat_johnson) October 3, 2020
BREAKING NEWS: Cat attacks Marine One while enroute to Walter Reed medical center. Full story @nypost— Just in Brooklyn🌹 (@sometimesbklyn) October 3, 2020
chris christie spent days maskless in a room with hope hicks and the others, and just said on ABC he hasn’t been contacted by the white house about getting a test. he found out by watching the news. incredible loser energy. all time loser energy. they didn’t even shoot him a text— conor tripler (@conor_tripler) October 2, 2020
This is the kind of note you find on a desk in Resident Evil— Sam Barlow (@mrsambarlow) October 2, 2020
I can't help but think Melania's Rose Garden makeover had something to do with the outbreak... #RoseGardenMassacre— Matt Johnson (@HotPockets4All) October 3, 2020
If ten doctors ever come outside to tell you I’m doing very well, please check on me.— Noah Garfinkel (@NoahGarfinkel) October 3, 2020
I will Venmo $100 dollars to the first Walter Reed staffer that dresses up like Herman Cain and warns him that he’s going to be visited by three ghosts tonight.— Lord Scott Baxter Bowser (@scott_bowser) October 3, 2020
It's not supplemental oxygen, it's the concentrated smell of freedom— Pinboard (@Pinboard) October 3, 2020
Imagine being born next June & finding out you’re a trump-tested-positive baby— Not Sara🧴 (@smithsara79) October 2, 2020
Was in Waterstones with the kids picking new books.— Nick Uttley (@spikeenick) October 3, 2020
Came past this little gem, all of my American friends might appreciate it.
And yes its written like a proper ladybird book.
(Available at Amazon.)