This shirt is the funniest thing that's ever been on a TV show. Can't stop thinking about it.
— Will🦒Menaker (@willmenaker) October 21, 2020
Came across this exchange in a court hearing between a lawyer and an FBI agent, trying to work out the difference between boogaloo and juggalos.
— Shane Bauer (@shane_bauer) October 20, 2020
Imagine sending a Roomba back in time and they hook it up to do nuclear test simulations on it
— SwiftOnSecurity (@SwiftOnSecurity) October 21, 2020
I curse thee to being a very specific kind of clever that only has vague applications to some aspects of life
— The Ken in Yellow (@kenlowery) October 21, 2020
(woman from tinder kneeling down on the carpet) oh wow he's scary. what's his name?
— roob himself (@OkButStill) October 21, 2020
(taking my action figure back) he's a good guy actually
Good morning!
— Courtney (@AlaskanCourtney) October 20, 2020
"Hello Human. It is time for you to give me hugs"
— Akki (@akkitwts) October 20, 2020
— Animal Doing things (@AnimaIshits) October 20, 2020
Everyone has been very good and now she is fed and a little fatter and happy to nap on your lap and has a vet appointment since the neighbours don’t own her
— Kate Beaton (@beatonna) October 21, 2020
I did zoom meetings like this yesterday haha, let her be close if she wants, she just came from a ditch so she can have a shoulder
— Kate Beaton (@beatonna) October 21, 2020
*More funny posts.