Fireworks going off in Echo Park and I can only assume it is because the Astros are done.
— Javier Panzar 🦅 (@jpanzar) October 18, 2020
when scotus was last set to 9 justices there were 39 million people in the usa. therefore the number of justices today adjusted for inflation should be 76.4.
— Sparky Abraham (@sparkyabraham) October 15, 2020
guns n’ roses only criteria for calling a place “paradise:”
— nate of the living dead (@MNateShyamalan) October 15, 2020
1) women are attractive
2) grass normal color
ME: Hi, I'd like to buy some RAM with a non-embarrassing name? RAM that lets me retain some self-respect while I buy it. You got any RAM that doesn't sound stupid
— YYYY-DD-MM (@qntm) October 17, 2020
just saw the greatest closed caption of all time
— The Ghost of Aldo Kelrast (@jfruh) October 17, 2020
My dad and I went to a restaurant and the waiter pointed at the QR code on the wall and said “thats our menu” and left and my dad looked at it really close and said “Is this some kind of joke”
— john is toast (@johnistoasted) October 17, 2020
culinary students be like i got a spaghetti due at 11:50
— bubs (@bubsXbaby) October 17, 2020
best twitter handle for a swole conservative Catholic would be Opus Leg Dei
— bearistotle (@gnrosenberg) October 17, 2020
he's warm
— Harrison OVO (@RacistVegeta) October 14, 2020
Can’t stop watching this.
— Andrea Junker ® (@Strandjunker) October 17, 2020
This is the type of home customization that we’re here for 😘🐶
— Atmos (@buildatmos) October 17, 2020
*More funny posts.