Been working on this classic style sergeant for something different, and to really have a good go at the 'Eavy Metal style and give my new brushes a good workout. I'm super proud of how it turned out! #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #warmongers #oldhammer40k #ultramarines
— MangoPunch (@MangoPunchMunch) October 18, 2020
More #new40k scenery finished this week with some alien cacti!
— Nick Bayton (@nick_bayton) October 21, 2020
If you’ve been around in the hobby long enough to remember the glorious Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition books, you’ll recognise what inspired these.
Great fun to make! #WarhammerCommunity #paintingwarhammer
Entry for the monthly @mz4250 print/paint contest. I chose to ignore the leaves and make each branch oozing blood (as if it never healed from being cut or from recent victims). Happy Halloween! :) #AwakenedTree
— Magic Steve (@MagicSteve83) October 22, 2020
Azaryah the Magnificent, #Phaeron of the Nepher Dynasty.#necronoverlord #WarhammerCommunity #miniaturepainting #Necrons #Warhammer40K #cyberpunk #synthwave
— AdmGR (@AdmGRPY) October 21, 2020
Medic, special weapon troop and another objective marker for the kill team.#warhammercommunity #paintingwarhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #killteam #astramilitarum #cadia #grenadelauncher #medic
— Charlie Kirkpatrick (@CountersunkCSK) October 18, 2020
Going through all 9 colors of lava on each base individually. Trying to get the OSL looking passable. Good enough for tabletop, anyway. This is base 8/40.
— Ross Polly (@GreedyRaven) October 13, 2020
*See more miniatures.