Why would God show me the turkey case only to tell me I can’t have it? https://t.co/ssN4ZtFX7O
— Barry Petchesky (@barry) November 22, 2020
idk I might start using this https://t.co/V8xxvtxo42
— Jenny Nicholson (@JennyENicholson) November 24, 2020
I didn’t realise Surrey had a purge this month pic.twitter.com/bxQ67Dxyi0
— Barry Dorrans (@blowdart) November 22, 2020
Already mad that 5 weeks from now I’m going to have to read articles about 6 members of the same family dying from covid w tag lines like “They thought they were sharing a turkey dinner, but what they were really sharing was far worse” and dumb illustrations that look like this: pic.twitter.com/rHYPHeOK2W
— Aubrey Hirsch (@aubreyhirsch) November 21, 2020
The sexual tension between a Virgo and the last word
— ✨ mélanie ✨ (@earthdombaby) November 22, 2020
Not to be dramatic but the sun setting at 5:00pm everyday has ruined my life
— Aol.com (@lukasbattle) November 16, 2020
Our four-year-old, crying after getting into a fight with another family member: 'I just need my iPatch'. Us: 'You need your... iPad?' Him: 'No... eyepatch?' *gets pirate's eyepatch out of his backpack and puts it on* #justpiratethings
— Simon Carless (@simoncarless) November 23, 2020
— poorly drawn cats (@poorlycatdraw) November 21, 2020
i just want to be watching this forever for the rest of my life pic.twitter.com/GrCKcRqq0z
— merry caitmas (@kittynouveau) November 23, 2020
the trolls of tiktok are on another level pic.twitter.com/amatziXeob
— Living Morganism 🌱 (@ok_girlfriend) November 20, 2020
This is pretty much exactly what my life is like since starting #HollysMankyMoggies and I love it pic.twitter.com/FqXQrSknRi
— Holly Brockwell (@holly) November 21, 2020
*More funny posts.