Linny-kun is an unofficial mascot who crawls around Nara City, because he wants the new bullet train from Tokyo to Nagoya to be extended to
— Mondo Mascots (@mondomascots) November 22, 2020
This genuinely terrifying balloon train was part of a short lived parade held in SF.
— Interurban Era (@InterurbanE) November 18, 2020
In a way, it was the west coast companion to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC. Held between 1952-4 in downtown San Francisco, it gathered huge crowds.
This is the GOAT batting helmet and they never should've stopped wearing it.
— Jason Coskrey (@JCoskrey) November 24, 2020
I haven't bought the TNG blu rays but I'd pay a fortune for a service that showed them exactly as they aired in repeat twice nightly on channel 29 in Minneapolis in the 90s
— 'Weird Alex' Pareene (@pareene) November 23, 2020
“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way!” - Ventrillian Proverb. #ventilliannobles #noblevember #VentrillianNobles
— Chris Peach (@WHTVPEACHY) November 22, 2020