Monday, September 12, 2022

Three new Kate Beaton features

Vulture has a long profile/book review, but honestly these two Tweets are like perfect crystals:

Slate's feature is in the form of an interview:
Slate: There’s a gag early in the book where you introduce yourself in 2005, and then you say, “Well, I’m older now and also I’m three-dimensional.”

Kate Beaton: Yeah.

What was it like writing about and drawing your younger self?

Well, I have been drawing myself since I was that age. My cartoon self hasn’t changed that much. I just draw more bags under my eyes now.    
The NYTimes feature doesn't fairly represent her prior work:
How did someone who can write a wickedly funny, three-panel comic about Benjamin Franklin (“What a Stupid Comic I Have Made”) end up writing a 430-page epic (with maps!) about the Alberta oil rush, and her part in it?

In “Ducks,” Beaton ditches the comedy — well, not all of it — and lets her story take center stage.

There will be a live broadcast tomorrow:

Copies with signed bookplates are still available (I'm waiting on mine.)