Hi all, I was lucky enough to pick up gold today at the Age of Sigmar Golden Demon, competition was tough in the staff category. Congrats to all the winners!— Darren Latham (@DarrenLatham) June 30, 2018
Custom head sculpt by Seb Perbet. 😁#newAoS #warmongers #warhammer #AgeofSigmar #GamesWorkshop #goldendemon pic.twitter.com/OEo4CkJhIc
Painted up an Easy To Build Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought! Painting various different things at the moment while plugging away with the Deepkin. Went super simple to experiment with red! #40k #bloodangels pic.twitter.com/nioHsh3r2j— Terry Pike (@TerryPike84) May 23, 2018
Quick pic of my Tidecaster for my Deepkin army. will get some proper pics sorted soon! #aos2 #aos #deepkin #idoneth pic.twitter.com/cEqECeuVIN— Terry Pike (@TerryPike84) June 27, 2018
Here! Done! pic.twitter.com/FZRRGWsSMn— Alexa (@_RedKitana_) May 16, 2018
Blindwalker by @privateerpress Such a great model, so fun to paint!— Todd McNeal (@ToadPainter) May 18, 2018
#miniatures #minipainting #wargaming #warmongers #blindwatercongregation #privateerpress #warmahordes #hordes pic.twitter.com/sDRGdp9VP2
Studio shots of the first finished Mymourn Banshees. The poses on these look great, but make pictures a little challenging. Happy with the color scheme, should look great across the entire army when done. #NewAos #PaintingWarhammer #miniaturemonday #warmongers #ageofsigmar pic.twitter.com/eCLJyKF6Bh— Craig Morrison (@Silirrion) July 2, 2018
Like miniature games? Like Transformers?— Tentacles (@Dryl) July 2, 2018
Four TF fans are putting together something really special. pic.twitter.com/8ysKzMPZCw
NIGHTHAUNT— サノツキ (@Sanotsuki_sty) July 1, 2018
ようやく、SYLVANETH以外のユニットが手に入り、飾るのも楽しくなってきました。#warhammer #ウォーハンマー pic.twitter.com/dHbDFRqRDB
#MiniatureMonday - Leviathan Dreadnought is done! Painted up on Twitch for our Backlog Challenge. Learned a lot and pushed myself on some weathering/base work. Now to get him on the table! 😄🖌️❤️ #warmongers #PaintingForgeworld #PaintingWarhammer #spacewolves #gamesworkshop pic.twitter.com/Vhz3E5JrA4— Nikki Sullivan (@nikkikolls) July 2, 2018
It’s been two days and I’ve already painted something from soul wars! These little fellas are so much fun to paint, played around with some swirly effects and lots of texture 😄 overall thoughts?? ☺️ #miniaturemonday #newAOS #Warmongers #PaintingWarhammer pic.twitter.com/ahe2T9fBFd— Connor Richardson (@concon_73) July 2, 2018
This is it! ❤️ need to find out who painted these 😩 pic.twitter.com/IbgbbT9Vq5— Scott Graham leckie (@Wrath_of_Sigmar) July 2, 2018