This I-can't-believe-it's-not-photoshopped image of Jill Biden was taken by @ShariStrib of The Star Tribune.— Barry Malone (@malonebarry) October 5, 2020
Aaron Rodgers yelled HARD COUNT...and then got 'em with the hard count 🔥 @AaronRodgers12 @packers— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) October 6, 2020
The Fleetwood Mac challenge, but make it tactical.— Abbie Bennett (@AbbieRBennett) October 5, 2020
Years ago on a trip to Greece, a large multi generational family sat down at an outdoor taverna and all the men immediately removed their shirts. From that point on we referred to that as eating “Greek style“. I still do it often— Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) October 1, 2020
the debate should end with a demolition derby. winner becomes mayor— Matt Pearce 🦅 (@mattdpearce) October 5, 2020
I have this bummer recurring dream where me and my favorite ex are old and decked out in our LL Bean best, ringside at Wrestlemania, watching our beautiful, 6 foot, 210 lb daughter become the first woman to hold the WWE universal title against a weird lizard man person wrestler— Gheistdamme (@RivkaGheist) October 2, 2020
Cannot stop thinking about the fact that when my ex was breaking up with me he said “you deserve someone who reads your poems”. I do not write poems.— mayor mccheese (@pissgrandpa) October 1, 2020
Our grandchildren are not going to believe that we once went to offices just to put on headphones to drown out our colleagues and wrap ourselves up in giant shawls because it was freezing— Jenée (@jdesmondharris) September 28, 2020
guy: the first line is “ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies”— randy (@randypaint) September 28, 2020
his friend who is very goth: can i write the next line
“So our concept is simple. What if the idea of pizza gave you anxiety?”— The Prince of Posts (@PrinceOfPosts) October 1, 2020
absolutely losing it over this picture— Nerd Ghoul Says (@Rachael_Conrad) October 3, 2020
middle aged women on tiktok are literally on another level of consciousness than us— 🌙 Popgoth 🌙 (@popgoth_) October 2, 2020
Jalen starting his weekend off right!🔥🤣— Curtis Allen (@Curtis_Allen20) October 3, 2020
There's more I could say about this topic, but I'll just leave it at this:— 🍊Lizardbeth🍊 (@LizardbethArt) October 3, 2020
You deserve to be happy, healthy, and safe, and DOOM ONTO ANYONE WHO TRIES TO TAKE THOSE AWAY.
Morning swim on North Uist😊— Alex MacInnes (@iasgairmuir) October 2, 2020
Because we all need a pleasant distraction... Squirrel!— Mary (@catpancake) October 1, 2020
*More funny posts.