passo mal com a tentativa da csn de ser amigável com volta redonda colocando um "FELIZ NATAL" no meio de um ALTO FORNO
— sorian (@sorianpng) December 24, 2022
(The folklorist Iorwerth C. Peate believed that the term meant "Holy Mary" and thus was a reference to Mary, mother of Jesus, while the folklorist E. C. Cawte thought it more likely that the term had originally meant "Grey Mare")“Spooky season is over,” you say? Let me introduce you to the Mari Lwyd, the Welsh skeleton horse that goes from door to door during the Christmas season having rhyming contests in exchange for food and drink.
— Icona 📚 (@iconawrites) December 12, 2022
Good morning for a swim 🎄
— Jani Eväkallio (@jevakallio) December 21, 2022
今日はクリスマス!だからなんだ!?の「トランスフォーマーUK145号」(1987,Marvel UK)。戦いの果て、もはや権力への執着も失せただ故郷へ帰りたいと願うスタスク。呆然と佇む彼の元に少年が現れ、彼にクリスマスの精神を教える…トランスフォーマー版クリスマスキャロル、何度読んでも美しい話だ
— ラジアク (@bigfire_tada) December 24, 2022
We need her.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) December 23, 2022
"And Tiny Tim, who did NOT die!" Incredible line read from Gonzo
— Mike Scollins (@mikescollins) December 17, 2022