Monday, June 12, 2023

A Swedish National Team soccer player describes the players having to “show their genitalia" at the 2011 Women’s World Cup to prove they were women

The Guardian today (the player has a new book):

The gender tests were carried out around the 2011 tournament in Germany after protests from Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana relating to allegations that the Equatorial Guinea squad included men.

“We were told that we should not shave ‘down there’ in the coming days and that we will show our genetalia for the doctor,” [the player] writes.

“No one understands the thing about shaving but we do as we are told and think ‘how did it get to this?’ Why are we forced to do this now, there has to be other ways to do this. Should we refuse?


It is unclear why Sweden’s players were given a physical exam when a buccal swab test – a cheap and non-intrusive way to collect DNA from the cells on the inside of the cheek and determine a person’s sex – has been used widely for decades.