This is everyone’s current favorite billboard, right?
— Dan McQuade (@dhm) June 17, 2023
Coming up with the lie you invented a type of Cheetos and forcing the White House to pretend it's true is vastly more impressive than inventing a type of Cheetos. This guy deserves the world
— Jingleghost (@JeremyMonjo) June 18, 2023
Debate me, boats
— Stone Cold Jane Austen (@AbbyHiggs) June 18, 2023
Challenging my dad to a debate for Father’s Day.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) June 18, 2023
Why won't that beef-witted podcaster write a peer-reviewed scientific paper? What is he scared of? Is he too much of a coward to present his findings to a group of experts in the field for their critical examination? Why is he hiding?
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) June 19, 2023
The company whose most popular podcast is full of anti-vaccine lies is in no position to call anyone else grifters but this is still very funny
— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) June 19, 2023
historically, people have spent a lot of money on their addictions. i think the fact that social media sites have to rely on advertising and venture capital instead of user subscriptions is firm evidence it’s not actually addictive
— d🔶 (@davemakes) June 16, 2023
The Phoenix Suns are an experiment in dawglessness
— Astead (@AsteadWH) June 18, 2023
— Trap 22 (@Trap2213) June 6, 2023
legitimately love how unsubtle adtech co’s get at conferences
— shoshana wodinsky (she/her) 📉 (@swodinsky) June 6, 2023
Vaguely creepy carousel at the local mall. Can't recall ever seeing one with a totally not evil looking goat before. And then I zoomed into the last photo I took. 😱
— William J Gorn (@captaingorn) June 6, 2023
— zaratustra (parody account) 🧶 (@zarawesome) June 7, 2023
Matching masks for Victor Osimhen and Daughter at final Napoli match of Scudetto-winning season. 🙂🙂💙💙💙💙
— Men in Blazers (@MenInBlazers) June 4, 2023
@marcbluford #texas #lineman #ibewlineman #powerlines #powerlineproblems #cleanhandsdirtymoney #linetrash⚡️ #troubleman #linelife #mylife #serviceman #transformer #trashtruck #ithappens ♬ Another Level - Oh The Larceny
@poor_girl____ ♬ nhạc nền - tieu_ai_ai - tieu_kha_ai
*More funny posts.