Monday, June 12, 2023

Disturbing story about a trial court using an invasive and unreliable app called "Covenant Eyes" to monitor people on bail and their family

[Her] husband is now awaiting trial in jail, in part because of an anti-pornography app called Covenant Eyes. The company explicitly says the app is not meant for use in criminal proceedings, but the probation department in Indiana’s Monroe County has been using it for the past month to surveil not only [her] husband but also the devices of everyone in their family.
To ensure he complied with those terms, the probation department installed Covenant Eyes on [her] phone, as well as those of her two children and her mother-in-law. 

In near real time, probation officers are being fed screenshots of everything [her] family views on their devices. From images of YouTube videos watched by her 14-year-old daughter to online underwear purchases made by her 80-year-old mother-in-law, the family’s entire digital life is scrutinized by county authorities. “I’m afraid to even communicate with our lawyer”
Covenant Eyes is part of a multimillion-dollar market of “accountability” apps sold to churches and parents as a tool to police online activity. For a monthly fee, the app monitors every single thing a user does on their devices, then sends the data it collects, including screenshots, to an “ally” or “accountability partner,” who can review the user’s online activities.
The article goes on to say they experimented and confirmed the app produced false positives.