Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Oakland A's consultant said "If you build a stadium in most places around the United States, it is going to have a negative economic impact"

LAT on the A's possible move to Vegas:
The legislation proposed to lure Fisher’s team from Oakland to Las Vegas runs 44 pages. The bill does not mention the A’s.
The bill was introduced on the Friday night of Memorial Day weekend, with public comment reserved for a hearing on Memorial Day. 
academic studies repeatedly have shown that states and cities rarely make money on stadium deals. [A] Las Vegas-based consultant working with the A’s, bluntly addressed that issue in pitching the A’s deal during the hearing.

“If you build a stadium in most places around the United States,” [the A's consultant] said, “it is going to have a negative economic impact.”

(The consultant says the A's in Vegas will be different.)