Thanks! Yeah, I loved cutting up everything back then. I even did another exarch inspired by that famous Janet Jackson photo from the 90s. ๐
— Salvatrix (@DevSalvatrix) July 4, 2023
้ ๅผตใฃใ。
— ใใพใใ (@Toys___Yamakawa) July 19, 2023
Want to know how Barbie faces are printed? I went to Shenzhen when I was working on a printing project and visited a factory specializing in equipment for doll faces. A rubber boob deposits single-color ink picked up from etched plates. Ink dries instantly, so colors can layer.
— Danielle Baskin (@djbaskin) July 25, 2023
They gotta let this mf out the Disney vault
— Yonk (@Yonklerr) July 6, 2023
*See more miniatures.