2. Simogo's seemingly-simple new puzzle game may be bursting with secrets:
So what our forums have discovered thus far... You can shake the screen to change the color randomly going through a cycle. You can flip the screen upside down to invert the black and white, or the main color and the background/gap color. While going through the tutorial, if you wait a minute or two on each of the 5 pages, you'll get a secret message alluding to some kind of story and including references to the developer's home city. If you hold the play button on the main screen, you play a secondary gravity based mini-game about balancing a ball on a see-saw. Apparently there's a way to change the title screen in reference to one of the secret messages, and I don't even know how. Who knows what else will be found?3. The iCar:
this is basically the worst-kept secret in Silicon Valley. There are more people working on this project than almost every startup out here.