I honestly think Adeptus Titanicus has the highest quality of individual models in the hobby community right now, but even within that high base, this Warlord by Rob Wolters is *incredible* pic.twitter.com/Gok1eamggN— Willard Foxton Todd (@WillardFoxton) June 21, 2020
My Iron Warriors Warsmith: Ferrox the Warbringer is now done. He is meant to represent me on the field. Really happy how he came out in the end. So chuffed to be back on the chaos. #chaos #ironwarriors #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #wepaintminis #ironwithin pic.twitter.com/uVD8uITSrb— Warbringer (@Warbringer11) June 23, 2020
First one finished! pic.twitter.com/tIAz0ePYwo— TheMysticSpiral (@MonkeySpirals) June 23, 2020
Me painting right now 😂 when did it get so hot?! pic.twitter.com/eyKIHD2Eds— Connor Richardson (@concon_73) June 23, 2020
*See more miniatures.