Broke: cards against humanity— Jenny Nicholson (@JennyENicholson) June 28, 2020
Woke: the knockoff game I bought called Giddy Up where a card describes a horse and you play which pretty horse card you think best suits the story
"Virgos are good bus drivers and— Patric Reynolds (@patric_reynolds) July 2, 2020
P I M P S"
Absolutely stunning how accurate all of these are...
Around 2000, scientists first noticed a strange new song among white-throated sparrows in western Canada. Then, they realized it was spreading.— Sarah Zhang (@sarahzhang) July 2, 2020
This new song type is taking over the entire country!
so... a tweet that went viral?— truth coming out of Danielle to shame mankind (@Danielle_J_Thom) July 2, 2020
I went to see Sweeney Todd and it was PACKED with groups of guys. I checked the description and realised the cinema hadn't included it was a musical so it just read "serial killer takes over London."— natalie tran (@natalietran) June 28, 2020
After two songs one guy said out loud "I think they're going to keep singing"
Went to a bagel place in Detroit and the they gave me my giant iced coffee in a paper cup, like perverts. This is a strange and hostile land and I long to return home to decency— Tom Gara (@tomgara) June 28, 2020
The four horsemen of typography— Attack and Dethrone God™ | 1312 (@xXPradaPrinceXx) June 27, 2020
hi, excuse me, good morning, I need you to know that Nelson Mandela had personal stationery with Garfield on it (thx @claytonchirping)— Jacqobin Magazine (@DearSplenda) June 27, 2020
Such a good quote— Sam Dean 🦅 (@SamAugustDean) June 28, 2020
introvert be like "I know a spot" and then go home— shpongle (@guitarnahiaata) June 27, 2020
My Berkeley @Nextdoor group has discovered that cats roam around and sometimes kill birds and is going berserk because Berkeley.— Chris Anderson (@chr1sa) June 28, 2020
Here's the cat "enrichment tent" that they recommend instead of letting them wander around the back yard
Two Marines Moving, base edition— Observation Post (@MilitaryTimesOP) June 28, 2020
Hot squirrel of the day.— Dick King-Smith HQ (@DickKingSmith) July 1, 2020
Wait for it— Amrith Shanbhag ✊🏽 (@amrith) July 2, 2020
*More funny posts.