What a shot.— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) August 7, 2020
"Brother Ronald Marin, a 30-year-old lay worker from Venezuela, one of the few who administers funerals in Peru amid the virus walks along dirt road in cemetery" (Rodrigo Abd/AP)
More: https://t.co/cLN0VvECon pic.twitter.com/VEbK5n5otR
A sobering perspective: the death toll from #COVID19 in California now (greatly) exceeds the cumulative death toll of all earthquakes, wildfires, and floods in the region over the past century...combined. https://t.co/0CMoV5e1MU— Daniel Swain (@Weather_West) August 7, 2020
I'm very confident that "millenials partying during COVID" is being exaggerated beyond all reason to avoid having to talk about young people catching coronavirus after being forced back into service, retail, and other high-risk jobs.— Matty (@Reverend_Banjo) August 7, 2020
This bit is going to stick in my head for a while. Read the whole piece; it's great. Also, hell of a kicker, @carolynkor. https://t.co/khg6a7qptg pic.twitter.com/nHkehE0hiP— Ed Yong (@edyong209) August 7, 2020
Two ways to present the same data:— Zachary Binney (@zbinney_NFLinj) August 7, 2020
1. 0.1% of tests came back positive. Huzzah!
2. There was a massive 13-person outbreak on the St. Louis Cardinals.
Couldn't ask for a better real-life example of the potential for statistical bullshit. https://t.co/6vGYpfRQZC
Today I used the straps I keep to jam my classroom doors in case of an active shooter as a measuring tape to space out student seats to prevent the spread of a deadly viral pandemic. This is what it is to be an American teacher.— Mrs. Wiseman (@wisemanlhs) August 7, 2020
GA student suspended after posting image of crowded school doesn’t regret it: “This is some good and necessary trouble...” pic.twitter.com/sU6HruLV85— The Recount (@therecount) August 7, 2020
I love all these commercials that are like "At Dairy Queen, we're cleaning every surface in the store." What were you doing before— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) August 7, 2020
Restaurant chain Saizeriya has introduced a napkin called “shabereru-kun” to be tucked into your mask (folded in half so your mouth isn’t covered) and falls over your face while you eat. There is a YouTube video demonstration. https://t.co/TLPR9spW3N pic.twitter.com/Cy5K40Pmwb— Lisa Du (@lisadont) August 7, 2020
I actually just screamed pic.twitter.com/VrumwxIoWa— lousèr (@loutiett) August 5, 2020
— Ben Mauk (@benmauk) August 7, 2020
If I had a time machine I’d go back to 2015 and give myself this photo with no explanation pic.twitter.com/0y3SZ1D1uS— C H I L I (@heyitschili) August 7, 2020
Oh my God. pic.twitter.com/OJ1W29GPyl— Derek Montilla (@Cap_Kaveman) August 7, 2020
*cracks knuckles* i trained for this pic.twitter.com/PGCEQXLdTi— El Whitcombe, Himbo Collector #bIm (@TerriblyBland) August 7, 2020
My Kindergartner on a 40 minute video call is a total mood. pic.twitter.com/WE2RHoFZhM— Kara McDowell pre-order ONE WAY OR ANOTHER (@karajmcdowell) August 7, 2020
— Moosebeard🇳🇿 (@bad__barry) August 4, 2020