Wow, Epic have found a new nadir of Captchas. You have to do this SEVEN TIMES.— John Walker Definitely Is (@botherer) August 28, 2020
Once, David Fincher and I were one in a creepy service elevator (the kind you have to pull a grate across) and a red light. After an uncomfortable beat, he said: "It's like a David Fincher movie in here." #HappyBirthdayDavidFincher— Jenelle Riley (@jenelleriley) August 28, 2020
One of the most wholesome things happened yesterday in our neighborhood after we saw these signs posted— Jennifer (@JLap64) August 28, 2020
French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe defeats children in a game of dominos during a visit to a school, July 2020.— The French History Podcast (@FrenchHist) August 28, 2020
The Cure have such a reputation for being crushingly sad goth music and every song is like "i needed a horn section to fully communicate how much i love my wife"— Ryan Boyd (@ryandroyd) August 28, 2020
ngl love that deep is pretty goth— ☆ I'M THE DADDY HERE ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ ☆ Chet AwesomeLaser (@3amepiphany) August 28, 2020
BREAKING: Going Through Car Wash Still Fun as Fuck:— Reductress (@Reductress) August 28, 2020
congrats on the instagram soft launch of ur boyfriend (pic on story, elbow and side profile only)— Rachel Sennott (@Rachel_Sennott) July 13, 2020
My wedding anniversary is tomorrow. What to get the Virgo who criticizes everything?— Self-Expelled French Houseguest. (@thewayoftheid) August 28, 2020
Interspecies friendship of the day.— Dick King-Smith HQ (@DickKingSmith) August 28, 2020
My friend just sent me this Amazing footage.— jimboboings1169 (@kremington11) August 27, 2020
*More funny posts.