I just wanted to share this breathtaking brazilian carnival float that will be used on Rio's 2021 carnaval parade 🥺🥺 pic.twitter.com/2GWNZxL0xp— "VAV - GIVE ME MORE" ON YT (@DearBaron) August 22, 2020
Can confirm -- Soon after Chris Mitchell brought a Japanese laserdisc of this in for the PPG crew to watch in '98/'99, Genndy began developing SamJack w/@DanKrall3's help https://t.co/C5myHkMMa6— Chris Battle (@chrisbattleart) August 22, 2020
I see #Batman is trending. As good a time as any to share the most dazzling minute of animation ever dedicated to the caped crusader.— One Perfect HEADshot (@HeadExposure) August 23, 2020
BATMAN OF SHANGHAI (Wolf Smoke Studio, 2012) pic.twitter.com/h8x2RZtHKT
A work of art pic.twitter.com/cChQlyhYZZ— HedorahTOP (@Htop_Gunder) August 23, 2020
Wally gets worked over. Also Baron is making a statement here about people with money. Ie Wally is constantly bitching about taxes and requesting receipts. Love that Red Trinity is into going to Walmart. pic.twitter.com/Ch9o3cc7JJ— Old Comics (@comics47904735) August 24, 2020