Captain Santius of the Blood Angels. He of the cherub shoulder pad is possibly the best work I’ve done on a miniature. And what a mini - loved doing this. Even the image of Sanguinius on his tilting shield. ;) #paintingwarhammer #bloodangels— John Ashton (@The_John_Ashton) August 7, 2020
Calling this creepy Cryptek pretty much done, base & scarabs tomorrow.— Laura (@pegastyx) August 7, 2020
Starting to settle on a colour scheme for my Necrons. Trash lore to follow.— Laura (@pegastyx) August 3, 2020
“Ugh. These Mortals certainly are messy creatures”— Laura (@pegastyx) August 6, 2020
Ok, I think I’ve fixed it. Figured a Blood Angels Captain might well have one of Raphael’s Cherubs on his shoulder pad. :) #paintingwarhammer— John Ashton (@The_John_Ashton) August 6, 2020
— ロッポンギヒロシ (@UEDAHIROSHI915) August 8, 2020
*See more miniatures.