My phone wallpaper is currently a lovely photo of me and my wife, which means I probably can't replace it with Giancarlo Esposito playing Big Bird's camp counselor on Sesame Street, right?— Daniel Kibblesmith (@kibblesmith) August 25, 2020
I mean, right?
— Oh Tumblr (@ohtumblroh) August 25, 2020
I think having a cat teaches children valuable lessons about how likeable an attractive sociopath can be— Diana S. Fleischman (@sentientist) July 31, 2016
Welp. After ten mins hearing stone-cold LYING from 8yo twins, I said, "you know that Wikipedia takes your picture with every edit and will mail them to us if we ask" which immediately produced a FULL CONFESSION from one kid. The punishment is I will explain how Wikipedia works.— Paul Ford (@ftrain) August 25, 2020
And by Wikipedia I mean THE WHOLE FOUNDATION including Commons and Wikidata.— Paul Ford (@ftrain) August 25, 2020
I just found out that “abracadabra” comes from Aramaic meaning ‘I create like the word’ (‘אברא כדברא’), and from the Hebrew for “I create as I speak” - and this is definitely the coolest thing I’ve learned so far this year— Nadine Batchelor-Hunt | נדין ציפורה (@nadinebh_) August 25, 2020
People losing elections based on old tweets is a valuable lesson for us all - everybody should shitpost more as insurance against getting into politics.— christian (@christianmccrea) August 25, 2020
one of my favourite little online mysteries is that virtually every lyric website has (incoherent and misspelled) lyrics for an avril lavigne song called "dolphins". this song doesn't exist and has never existed, but its words are on almost every lyric site— Sarah Z (@marysuewriter) August 22, 2020
Do you ever see just ONE specific photo of yourself and lose several years of your life wondering if that’s what people see when they look at you????????????????????????????????????????????— Caroline Moss (@CarolineMoss) August 23, 2020
collab with @ChipotleTweets 🚗— Pablo Rochat (@PabloRochat) August 25, 2020
This still top 1 all time— z a k (@zakzeppeli) August 21, 2020
this is it, this is the most relatable an alligator has ever been— Brett (@Relentlessbored) August 26, 2020
dexter eats his bone in a very peculiar manner— Humor And Animals (@humorandanimals) August 26, 2020
(Cara Fennec via viralhog)
*More funny posts.