This old article about how philanthropy rehabbed the image of Kemper Marley (who had a journalist murdered in a car bomb in the 70s) is basically the story of every billionaire in America.— David Weiner (@daweiner) August 19, 2020
The contrast between Mueller's testimony and our expectations for it felt as if the nation's fate had hung on the first real reveal of the Segway.— William Gibson (@GreatDismal) August 19, 2020
Good look for Facebook, which is trying to build better relationships with news publishers.— Ryan Mac ๐ (@RMac18) August 19, 2020
This comes after a handful of employees wrote an open letter asking Facebook to denounce "anti-Muslim bigotry" from BJP politicians that Ankhi Das protected — and shared herself — on the platform, as reported by the WSJ.— Ryan Mac ๐ (@RMac18) August 19, 2020
I’m thinking about the Laura Loomer primary win and how maybe it’s less of a sign that de-platforming doesn’t work and more of a sign that it’s one of the only levers of change the platforms let us imagine, which leads us to put far too much emphasis on it— Becca Lewis (@beccalew) August 19, 2020
Unbelievably shameless example of misleading the public for rage-clicks.— Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) August 19, 2020
you might have to lean on "jargon" when the party whose convention you're addressing has pointedly foreclosed nearly all the concrete and specific things you demand— 'Weird Alex' Pareene (@pareene) August 19, 2020
RIP, FBI Twitter Bots. Like all things on the internet, it started as an opportunity to share information easily and ended with Goodwin’s law.— Seamus Hughes (@SeamusHughes) August 19, 2020
just read a description of Qanon as "a small grift to sell T-shirts on Amazon" that "quickly evolved into a massive multiplayer ARG which now threatens national security"— Michael Lucy (@MmichaelLlucy) August 18, 2020
going to revise my timeline here and say QAnon will be GOP orthodoxy next year if Biden wins and takes office.— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) August 19, 2020
Pence will be a DNC speaker in eight years max— Dreamboat ๐ Branny (@bransonreese) August 19, 2020
At this point, “I can’t vote for Biden” is the left’s version of “I will not wear a mask.” It’s a personal choice that could disproportionately hurt the most marginalized people among us, but at least yer doing your thaaang!— Morgan Murphy (@morgan_murphy) August 18, 2020
Still amazed by this...— Michael Hendrix (@michael_hendrix) August 19, 2020
The city center of Siena, Italy (pop. 30k), is roughly the size of this highway interchange in Houston, Texas (pop. 0).
NEW from me: Far-right message boards appear to be running a troll campaign of creating fake Craigslist ads selling removed mailboxes in order to capitalize on recent concerns regarding changes to the postal service.— Alex Kaplan (@AlKapDC) August 19, 2020
absolutely cannot stop thinking about the post office employee who picked up the phone today and heard "hi, this is cher"— Brian Grubb (@briancgrubb) August 19, 2020
have a great day, everyone— Bim Adewunmi (@bimadew) August 19, 2020
gotta wonder how far into the Ten Plagues the Egyptians were just like "haha fuck me, this year, right?"— *puts on flower crown, falls into a faerie circle* (@Klezmerstyle) August 18, 2020