Cintrón has been an Astros coach since 2017, becoming their hitting coach last year. He was the guy in the Astros dugout seen taunting Oakland Athletics outfielder Ramón Laureano before Sunday’s brawl between the two teams. Laureano had been hit twice Sunday by Astros pitchers and was angry the second time...Laureano rushed the Astros dugout. Cintrón was then seen behind a row of AstrosThere's more.
It’s 2017 that’s most interesting because that’s when the Astros cheating scheme took place. While he didn’t get as many headlines as Carlos Beltran or Alex Cora, Cintrón was also very involved, according to the Wall Street Journal’s reporting.
Cintrón was never punished for his role in the cheating scheme.
Monday, August 10, 2020
If you're looking for a sports villain to loathe, here's the Astros hitting coach