None of the kids wanted toys for Christmas this year, they just wanted cash. Understandable, but cash as a gift, while practical, always feels impersonal, so I made special packaging. Went over well
— Donnachaidha O’Chionnaigh (@TwoClawsMedia) December 26, 2019
The Ghost Army, officially known as the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, was a secret elite tactical force of American GIs that used illusions and sound effects to deceive and demoralize the Germans on the battlefields of WWII Europe.
— Tony Ganios (@RealTonyGanios) December 11, 2017
Mountain goat (now in Boston), Proto-Elamite Period (3,500-2,700 BC). Susa, Iran, Silk Road. #silkroad #NGSilkRoad
— Photos of Silk Road (@PicsSilkRoad) February 18, 2018
Felt inspired by a comment someone left to make a post showing how I use reference. I understand the impulse to be guarded with this sort of thing, I think a lot or artists feel scared revealing too much process might somehow ruin the magic for other people. I make my artwork,1/4
— Miles Johnston (@MilesJohnston) December 23, 2019
When u dropped ur skull
— mcc (@mcclure111) June 11, 2016