View this post on Instagram My custom marvel legends SP//DR was revealed on @customsbymatchu livestream last night. Stay tuned for more pictures and a write up coming soon! #intothespiderverse #spiderman #spdr #peniparker #marvellegends #custommarvellegends #customactionfigures #customactionfigure #thisweekincustoms #custommarvellegends #custommade A post shared by Omarali Customs (@omaralicustoms) on May 14, 2020 at 7:14pm PDT
View this post on Instagram Last week I received this awesome SP/DR custom from my buddy @omaralicustoms. We’ve been doing figure swaps yearly for about 3 years now and it’s been fun to see his abilities grow and develop. This time, Omar took it a step farther by modeling the body of SP/DR and then getting it 3D printer. Very cool use of a new medium for something that turned out pretty dope. He was a bitch to get into my shelf tho haha. Thank you @omaralicustoms for the dope dig. Excited to see what you do next! #figureswap #intothespiderverse #spdr #omaralicustoms #marvellegends #hasbro #customfigure #toys #actionfigure #sony #spiderverse #milesmorales #peterparker #spiders #marvel #comicbooks #nerdstuff #thisweekincustoms #gift #swap A post shared by customs by matchu (@customsbymatchu) on May 17, 2020 at 6:02pm PDT