from stephen platt’s “imperial twilight,” a familiar story: the millennials of the qing dynasty— csz (@cszabla) June 14, 2020
often this type of narrative ends in revolution but in this case there was a ton of corruption and indebtedness because of corruption before any instability which feels even more relatable— csz (@cszabla) June 14, 2020
Absolutely no idea— James Felton (@JimMFelton) June 13, 2020
My favourite thing about the racist statue being put in the Shame Cube is that you can see non-racist statues that have been left alone. Which means the government absolutely knows which statues are problematic, and are protecting them anyway.— Ham (@ZombieHam) June 13, 2020
In 1860, a youth abolitionist network called “the Wide Awakes” sprung up in cities across the north. They would show up uninvited at politicians’ homes in the middle of the night — w/ brass bands, lit torches & serenades — to demand support for their antislavery cause— Jeffrey Stein (@JStein_WaPo) June 14, 2020
Here’s a Wide Awakes story— Jeffrey Stein (@JStein_WaPo) June 15, 2020
On New Years Eve 1861 in Missouri, slaveholders were holding their routine auction of a human being
The Wide Awakes intervened. They decided to jointly bid higher than anyone else.
Eventually the auctioneer gave up the sale
i remember being younger, seeing eastern euro late night hosts mocking putin, the macho image that's so desperately important to his ego, his growing personal cult, and laughing. now, here, as our late night hosts mock our strongman dictator, it doesn't seem so funny anymore— anna phylaxis (@quatoria) June 14, 2020
NEW: Money has absolutely flooded into bail funds, black-led groups and racial justice organizations.— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) June 14, 2020
Just one data point: Bails funds have received **$90 million** in only two-plus weeks.
My deep dive into the completely remade financial landscape: