Literally nothing on earth is better than repeatedly doing a bit your partner doesn’t like— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) June 27, 2020
mike just earnestly asked me "do I do any bits you don't like?" because he read this— Heinz Baked Jeans (@Merman_Melville) June 27, 2020
When I'm playing video games I tell my wife I'm dedicating my victory to her and she hates it.— C. D. Ford (@c_d_ford) June 27, 2020
My preferred method is "the parrot":— Vonny (@Its_me_Von) June 27, 2020
H: Ooh, the table is a bit lobsided...
M: YOU'RE a bit lobsided
Repeat with literally any negative comment on an inanimate object..
Tho in my defence, he's incapable of buying a cucumber without thrusting it at me... in public or otherwise 🤷♀️
I mix up less and fewer to wind him up. "Less cars on the road today. Fewer milk the fridge." works every time.— L Mitch (@L_Mitch23) June 27, 2020
Every time my brother wants to get something at the grocery store that he knows his wife doesn't want to buy, he yells in the cookie monster voice, "Mmmmm! This looks good! Let's get this!" until she's so embarrassed that she puts it in the cart.— Pseudonym goes here (@ElBence) June 27, 2020
Just followed you for this. My last ltr bf and I went to the Kennedy Space Center & he touched the reentry capsule from the moon landing, and wiped ash on his shorts. For years he'd randomly whisper "How does it feel to be with a man who has reentry ash on his shorts?" I miss it.— CrankyOldLawyer (@CrankyOldLawyer) June 27, 2020
I once played 20 different covers of Toto's "Africa" in a row to see how long it would take for my husband to notice, now he hates that song— Mellow Yellow Peril (@miz_anthropy) June 27, 2020
For like 6-8 weeks before I turned 30 I kept asking my boyfriend if he thought I was going to have a late-20s growth spurt, to which his answer eventually evolved into “you have to stop asking me about this”— derb berb (@Deb_KB) June 27, 2020
My husband has taken to playing Careless Whisper every time I walk into a room (using his phone, google home, tv, iPad etc.) and I am debating a divorce right now.— Bianca (@biancaxeg) June 27, 2020
I purposely mispronounce words and when my wife corrects me I say "I've heard it both ways"— Joelking Pun-dery (@the_spivack) June 27, 2020